Foot Reflexology – Is It A Foot Massage?

This is a picture of a drawing of feet. The picture is simple line work in black.

What is foot reflexology? Most people assume that foot reflexology is just another name for a foot massage. Other people think it’s a type of pedicure. After talking with our massage therapists, I realized it might be helpful to shed some light on what exactly this service is. In this blog, I will explain what foot reflexology is and how it differs from a foot massage. I will also explain what to expect during your foot reflexology service at Oliver's Salon & Spa.

What is "reflexology"?

Reflexology is the therapeutic act of using pressure points on the body to trigger pain relief. However, most reflexology services are done on the feet due to the abundance of pressure points that connect to the rest of your body. Reflexology stimulates circulation, reduces stress and pain and restores balance. Some people say it's helpful for women who are experiencing menstrual cramps, however, reflexology is suited for anyone. 

Foot Reflexology at Oliver's Salon & Spa

I asked one of our massage therapists what her definition of foot reflexology would be and she said:

Reflexology is the relief of pain by stimulating pressure points by using specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. She also included that reflexology works with your central nervous system to help communicate to the body where to releave tension. 

Therefore, foot reflexology is pressing on certain pressure points on your feet that correlate with different parts of your body to relieve pain and tension.

What can I expect?

Reflexology is done in one of our calming massage rooms. In these massage rooms, spa music plays and the lighting is moody, which creates a relaxing environment. It is not required for you to change into a robe, however, you are welcome to if it would make your experience more relaxing. At Oliver's, we have lockers available to store all of your belongings during your visit with us! 

Is there any massage involved?

Typically, no massage is involved in foot reflexology. This therapeutic service is directed towards pain and the correlating pressure points. Although we offer foot spa related services, we are not entirely a foot spa. If you’re looking for a foot massage, check out one of our luxurious pedicures! Lately, our clients have been telling us how great our pedicures are!


Our massage therapists understand that each person is not cut and dry. Our services are customizable as long as they are within reasonable request. For example, if you're having issues with your digestive system, they may focus on the pressure point on your foot that correlates with your digestive system a little more intensely. It's best to communicate with our massage therapists before your appointment if there are any areas currently troubling you.

If you're looking for overall healthy feet, make a day of it and book a pedicure in addition to a foot reflexology service!

We recommend this service for clients who are looking for a more holistic healing experience. If you’re interested in one of our other holistic healing services, check out our Reiki Therapy, Rain-Drop Therapy and Chakra Balancing Massage. If you're interested in booking one of our foot reflexology services, give us a call at (610)-366-8808 or book online!

What are you waiting for? Put your best foot forward with us!

Breaking Up With Breakouts & Getting Good Skin

Let's Talk Breakouts!

Acne comes in all shapes, sizes and forms. What do all of these different types of breakouts have in common? No one wants them. Sadly, our skin doesn’t understand that. Whether it’s stress, hormones, eating habits or a health condition, your skin reacts. Our skin is our largest organ, so of course it can reflect the different things happening within our body. 

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 5.15.02 PM


The most common, and most picked at, types of acne are blackheads and whiteheads. They are the least severe types of acne, but the most annoying in my book.


Papules usually stem from irritated whiteheads and blackheads. They are annoying under the skin bumps that cause inflammation and unwanted redness on your skin. They also have no visible center.


Pustules are the pimples that we picture in our minds when we say the word “pimple”. They have the classic white or yellow center with the pinkish skin surrounding it. Think of them as whiteheads, but angrier. 

Then there are the acne types that require more than a change in your daily skincare routine. These are the types that may need a little extra help from a dermatologist. 


Nodules are a more severe type of acne. They look like skin lumps and have no redness, white/yellow center. This type of acne occurs deeper in the skin and can cause dark spots and scarring. They are also painful. Acne is bad enough, but when it actually hurts? Goodbye.


Calling all Dr. Pimple Popper fans! Cysts are obviously MUCH more serious than the types of acne listed above. They are larger, more painful, filled with pus and buried deep in the skin. These can also cause scarring and should be removed with the help of a professional.


Usually, a change in your skincare routine and/or diet can banish your blemishes pretty easily. It just requires you to be more aware of what goes on your skin. I highly recommend scheduling a facial if you’re unsure what products best suit your skin. Before I have ever had a facial, I tried trending products instead of products that might actually help my skin. Don’t be fooled by clever marketing!

Here at Oliver’s, our aestheticians are trained to assess your overall complexion and issues you may have with your skin. Also, on top of the service and recommendations, the aesthetician will talk to you about products that will benefit you specifically.

Hair & Skin Care

Just because we don’t think hair when we think skincare, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t play a major role in it. My hair is constantly on my face. I sometimes close my eyes and attack my mane with hairspray. You’re guilty of it, too. Being careful with where we spray our hairsprays, heat protectants and other products can go a long way for our faces.

Break Up With Bad Make Up

Makeup does more damage to your skin than you think. It’s natural to want to cover up your acne with foundation and concealer, but keep in mind, those products have a shelf life. Look for the symbol of the open jar on the back of your makeup products, Usually, it will say 6M, 12M or 24M inside of that jar so indicate 6 months, 12 months or 24 months. If you have had your makeup for longer, throw it out. It can cause bacteria and clogged pores on your face!


Your body is a machine. Every part of it has a specific job. What you put on the inside will reflect the outside. If you eat tons of fried, oily foods, your skin will reflect that. Cleaning up your diet can clean up your blemishes. For example, spicy foods activate the oil producing glands in your face. If you attend wing night every Wednesday, don’t be surprised to see some extra oil on your skin.

Dehydration can cause skin issues as well. If you’re 60% coffee and 40% water like me, your skin can look dull and dried out. There’s something water does to our skin that we haven’t quite figured out how to replicate with purchasable products.


If changing products and your diet isn’t working, maybe look into some lifestyle changes. If you’re into working out, make sure you’re washing your face after. All of that sweat can sit on your skin and soak into your pores! This creates those little skin bumps known as milia. 

Picking & Squeezing

We’ve all watched Dr. Pimple Popper. It’s so satisfying to squeeze and pop your impurities out of your pores. Of course it isn’t good for your face, but let’s face it, we’re not stopping any time soon. There is a time and a way to pick your face. Wait until after you take a warm shower and your pores are open. Also make sure instead of using your fingertips, you use tissues. Cover your fingertips with the tissues and pop away! Using just your bare hands can transfer germs and bacteria from your fingers to your face, in turn, causing more breakouts. Picking your face when your pores are tight can cause scarring as well!

"Ya Nasty"

Smoking is another factor in your skin. It’s a nasty habit to begin with. Not only does it harm your lungs, it also makes your skin look lifeless and dull. It’s so easy, just don’t do it.

Touching your face can be another factor. If you’re constantly resting your face in your hands, itching your skin, or putting your hands anywhere near your face, that extra bacteria, grease and whatever else may be lurking on your hands can transfer to your face.

When All Is Said & Done...

I hope that this paragraph was helpful in identifying different types of breakouts. Too many of us are too embarrassed to talk about our breakouts, so we hope that you feel comfortable enough to come talk to our skin care specialists about yours! If you have any questions about any of our skin care services or products, shoot us a message or give us a call at 610-366-8808.

HydraFacial – The Trending Skincare Service


We live in a world where treating yourself is an absolute must. Whether you’re looking to appear younger or have instagram perfect skin, there’s a skin care treatment out there for everyone. Skincare has become a necessity in the last couple of years. From new brands and treatments emerging, social media does a great job at keeping us all in the loop. Trends may come and go, but good skin will always be remembered. That’s why more and more people are taking their skin more seriously!

Oliver’s decided to keep up with the current trend and bought ourselves a Christmas gift this past season. We will now be offering *drum roll please* HydraFacial in our salon & spa. This is HUGE, as services like this are mainly seen in popular areas such as Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York. We thought it would be the perfect service to add to our spa.

What is it?

In a nutshell, HydraFacial uses patented vortex-fusion technology to exfoliate, extract and hydrate the skin with a spiral designed tip to help with painless extractions. What is vortex-fusion technology you say? Well, it’s a fancy way to explain why HydraFacial is what it is. It’s a combination of specific HydraPeel tips, a vacuum and serums that fit different skin care needs. 

What does it do?

This is the medical grade trending skincare service that pulls impurities from the skin into a tube that you can actually SEE. Your skin is exfoliated, your pores are vacuumed out and infused/hydrated at the same time with a serum that best fits your skin care needs. HydraFacial best benefits people who have fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, enlarged pores, oily & congested skin, uneven skin tone and uneven skin texture. Plus, it’s really cool to see all of the junk that comes out of your face! 

Depending on what you want to achieve, results are almost instant! You’ll notice a more radiant and glowy appearance to your skin right after. If you have a skin care concern that requires a couple of sessions, you may not notice changes right away, but fear not - good things take time.

How does it benefit me?

HydraFacial is good for all ages, all genders and all skin types. This service is perfect for a first timer and a skin guru. The best part - it is customizable!


There are several serums that HydraFacial offers such as: brightening, calming, hydration, firming & restoring, soothing & refining. There are also special serums for eye and lip treatments. Whatever your needs or expectations are, HydraFacial has you covered.

Have I mentioned the LED light therapy?

With the use of blue and red LED lights, HydraFacial tackles your acne before it happens and after it has already made an appearance. The blue light disrupts acne causing bacteria and improves oily & congested skin. The red light helps with inflammation of the skin from acne or just in general.

What can I expect?

3 steps, 30 minutes. It’s as simple as that.


HydraFacial exfoliates through the act of microdermabrasion. Each HydraFacial tip is designed to be an abrasive that removes the uneven, first layer of skin.


As the skin is being exfoliated and extractions are taking place, a serum is infused into your pores. There are a number of serums to choose from, each having hydrating properties.


With the vacuum technology, extractions are painless. There’s no squeezing or picking of your blackheads and pimples.


Downtime typically doesn’t exist with HydraFacial. You’re free to walk out and enjoy your skin the moment you’re done! However, some more intense treatments may leave your skin needing a little rest. It all depends! 

You want proof? You got it.

Here are some before & after photos to better illustrate what HydraFacial can do.


Watch out for fake HydraFacials…

Some spas will offer a hydrafacial as a service on their menu, but if you dig a little deeper and read the fine print, you quickly realize that their hydrafacials are merely just a hydrating facial. The difference is all in the name and description. HydraFacial (the actual company) uses patented technology and products that not every spa has access to. But due to the popularity of the brand, there is a reason why spas advertise with the same name and spelling. The general public might not even think twice about it. Shame on their faulty advertising! 


For those of you who are deeply embedded with skin care services, HydraFacial can be used along with any other skin care treatment. Actually, HydraFacial can increase the speed of other peeling facials. Also, for those of you with filler and botox, HydraFacial doesn’t harm it.

If you’re looking for more information on HydraFacial, check out their website. Here’s to a bright future and clearer skin!

If you're looking to book a HydraFacial, give us a call at (610)-366-8808 or book online.

Massage – Take Care of Your Body

This is a picture of a massage therapist rubbing a client's upper shoulders. The photo shows only the hands and the client's upper shoulders.

Stress. We all have it and we all need to get rid of it. At Oliver’s Salon & Spa, we understand how important it is to relax and Treat Yourself Well. The best way to do that is with one of our many massage services. Oliver's Salon & Spa offers services ranging from full body massage to prenatal massage. Our massage therapists are experienced and trained to provide the best relaxation service for you.

Massage Therapy Benefits

Physically, we all get aches and pains. Mentally, we sometimes just need to relax. Massage therapy helps relieve stress and tension by relaxing the muscles while improving your circulation. Plus, it feels amazing! 

Massage Services @ Oliver's

We offer a little bit of everything here at Oliver’s Salon & Spa. We have full body massages and upper body massages, which are some of our more popular services. Oliver's also offers prenatal massage and couple’s massage. Most of our services are customizable. For example, if you are looking to get a massage but want to focus on your shoulder area more, just let us know at the time of booking. If you're looking for a foot massage, check out one of our luxurious pedicures!

Give yourself a little more relaxation time. We also have extended massages available and hot stone massages.

This is a picture of our massage therapist Janet. She is setting up a massage bed in the massage room.

Energy Work

Here at Oliver's Salon & Spa, we offer various energy work services such as Chakra Balancing, Rain Drop Therapy and Reiki Massage Therapy. Chakra Balancing involves deep tissue massage, chakra energy work and foot reflexology. Rain Drop Therapy is the clearing and cleansing powers of seven different essential oils. Reiki uses hands on energy to bring balance to an individual. Janet, one of our massage therapists, is a trained Reiki master and is passionate about helping others find peace and balance in their lives.

After Your Massage

After your massage, your massage therapist will explain what to do following your appointment, but here are a few tips to keep in mind:

It's important to hydrate and nourish your body after a massage. Drinking lots of water helps restore your muscles. Exercising after a few days of your massage can also be beneficial for keeping your muscles active. Make sure to schedule your next appointment as well!


Oliver’s does a great job at accomodating each client’s request. Our massage therapists can focus on certain areas if addressed at time of booking. We have many clients with aches and pains that come regularly to help relieve and manage their pain.

If you would have a pre-existing health condition, or an injury, we would definitely need a doctor's note before your service. Also, if you're under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must be present during the service.

When booking, it's important to provide any information a massage therapist should know before your appointment. 

Oliver's Massage Therapists

Oliver's massage therapists have more than 10 years experience. They are kind, attentive and make sure to put your needs above all. If you have any difficulties during your appointment, our massage therapists are more than happy to work with you! You can learn more our wonderful massage therapists here

Experience Matters

There’s a bit of a difference from a chain location and a spa such as Oliver's. Usually, massage therapists that are just begining their career start out in chain massage businesses, as it is the best way to build a client base. In no way are we discrediting those businesses or massage therapists that are starting out. We support those who are furthering their careers in massage therapy.

Being part spa, we want to ensure you have the best quality service we can provide. Making sure you’re aware of what to expect during your visit is important to us! Our massage therapists are more than experienced with over ten years in the business. With more experience comes more practice, so our therapists are prepared for any questions you may have!

Keep in mind...

All massages are performed with essential oils and massage oil. Each massage service time includes the changing time. For more descriptions and information on any of our massage services, check out our website or give us a call at 610-366-8808.

We also think that massages make a great gift for anyone for any occasion! 

Oliver’s Looks at Current Beauty Trends

The beauty world is creative, competitive and inspiring. There are trends constantly emerging. With the help of Instagram and other social media platforms, we are able to see these trends on a daily basis. In this blog, I will dig a little deeper on some current trends that are considered influential and tell you exactly what we think here at Oliver's!

Don't you feel more alive with longer lashes?


One trend I’ve been seeing in particular is the dip powder nails. They are supposed to be stronger and longer lasting than gel nails. They are being compared to acrylic nails. I researched all that is the dip powder manicure to learn more about this trendy nail. Essentially, it is what it sounds like; you dip your nail in powder. Instead of using UV rays to seal your polish, the pigmented powder does the job. They are rumored to not ruin your nails the way that other manicures do.

However, if you’re getting a dip powder manicure at a salon, chances are you will be dipping your nails in a pot of pigmented powder that other people have dipped into. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to double dip with a stranger. Although they turn out beautiful, it doesn’t make sense for a salon to be unsanitary for beauty reasons. This is exactly why Oliver’s does not partake in the dip powder manicure. In other words this trend is considered a NO for us.


Less makeup, more sunscreen. With new skincare companies emerging, they are shedding some light on the importance of the health of our skin. They are pushing products that improve the look and texture of your skin, fight aging and repel the harmful UV rays. More than ever before, people are getting more facials, dermaplaning, peels, etc. Instagram models and influencers have perfect, soft skin with no makeup thus making it trendy. YES, this is a trend we can totally get behind.

Here at Oliver’s we offer a range of services for skincare. From facials to products, we have a lot to choose from. For example, we have more than five different facials as well as add-ons to customize what is most beneficial for your skin. We have a product for every issue you have as well as educated aestheticians who can provide you with tips and information to better your skincare routine.


People are lashing out and ditching the mascara. Lash extensions, lash lifts and lash tints are everywhere. This trend has become so in demand that we are starting to need more aestheticians trained in lash services to keep up with the clientele. Can you blame everyone? Long lashes gives a sort of confidence that is unexplainable and cuts down makeup application time. This would be perfect for busy bodies, moms on the go and well, pretty much anyone. We say YES to this trend. Here at Oliver’s, we offer lash extensions, lash lifts and lash tints.

If you have any questions on the current trendy services we offer, call us at (610)-366-8808. Remember, we offer online booking as well!

Benefits of a Spa Day

Life’s stress can hurt us both mentally and physically. Being extra kind to yourself helps alleviate some of that stress and can put you in the right mind frame to tackle what's next. In this blog, we will go over what a spa day at Oliver’s could do for your mental and physical health as well as your confidence. After all, everyone deserves a spa day!


As anxiety and depression is at an ultimate incline, we’re all looking for ways to keep ourselves motivated, calm and happy. At times, it becomes a struggle when day-to-day occurrences keep us on our toes. However, the purpose of this blog is to inform our readers that there are small things you can do for yourself that add up.

Keep yourself a priority. Find ways to relax. One of the biggest (and in my opinion most helpful) ways to relax is getting a massage. Massages are known to lower your production of cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone that is released when you’re actually feeling stressed. This hormone, once triggered, is a forever flowing river. Massages also increase your white blood cell count.

Massages of all kinds can also use essential oils, which are said to relieve stress and anxiety. Aromatherapy can be extra helpful as these oils are warmed and used in your massage. After a relaxing massage, you will feel as though you are ready to fall asleep. Nothing is better than a good night’s rest!


Anytime you feel guilty about treating yourself to a spa day, remember; there are physical benefits to your services. For example, getting a manicure and pedicure can clean up dead skin and prolong the health and life of your nail. Regular manicures and pedicures can prevent fungi from growing under and around your nails.

Massages can work out any muscular pain you have while boosting your immunity and lowering your blood pressure. Facials can eliminate dead skin and restore your largest organ- your skin. A good, professional shampoo and/or scalp treatment can clean the dead skin from your scalp and promote hair growth. Waxing exfoliates the skin all while getting rid of pesky body hair.


Look good, feel good, do good. I don’t know about you, but I live by this motto. Yes, it helps me deal with the fact that I may have a bit of a shopping problem, but we all do what we have to do. After a spa day, your confidence could boost. For example, if your gray hairs are showing and you come in for a touch up color, you walk out feeling so much better about yourself. Our vanity is worth much more than we like to think.

In a world where confidence can make or break someone, we want to help be a part of the “make” part. If you notice a whole bunch of blackheads and treat yourself to a facial with extractions, you will notice your skin glowing right away. This small, fine feeling will help you conquer the day, trust me. Looking our best helps us be our best.


Our mental and physical health as well as our confidence is important. How we feel on the inside and outside determines the kind of person we are, how we act and what we do. Spa days or services here and there need to be a part of your routine. Plus, who doesn’t love self-care? If you aren’t convinced by now, refer back to paragraph 1 and read through the entire blog again until it hits you. Take care of your body for it is your forever home!

If you're ready to book your spa day, let's do it. Give us a call at (610) 366-8808 or book online!

Here Comes the Bride

Looking for a place to provide you with the perfect look on your big day? Well, Oliver’s has all the brides-to-be and their bridesmaids covered. As an all service salon, we have a number of services to choose from. Whether it’s for the big day or for your bachelorette party, we would love to serve you!

Beautiful Wedding or Prom Style Updo


On your wedding day, you want to look picture perfect. Here at Oliver’s, our stylists can do all sorts of up-dos and wedding hair. As long as you have a picture for reference, we can make it happen. Here are some examples of wedding do’s that will inspire you.

Boho Braid Updo
Boho braid for a bridesmaid. Elegant yet detailed.
Photo of Wedding Style Updo
A little twist on a classic bun. Perfect updo for the anti-updo person!

Putting your best face forward is important on your wedding day. While there are makeup tutorials all over the internet, having a professional do your makeup limits your risk. Our mua’s  are aestheticians who have had extensive training and practice in the makeup field. They know how to properly apply and make your look last the whole day! We use mostly Aveda products, but we also carry several others. If you’re like me, you have your favorite shade of lipstick. Bring it in. We don’t mind teaching you how to properly apply it!

Wedding Makeup Application
Makeup application in progress. This bride-to-be also had her hair done as well for a trial run.

Most brides also get their nails done at Oliver's. We have a wide range of different nail styles. We have regular polish, gel polish, LCN and poly gel. You can keep it classic or add designs. Either way, our nail techs are skilled in the wedding nails area. If you're a Pinterest wedding planner, bring a picture. Our nail techs are always up for a challenge!

Beautifully Manicured Nails
A little twist on a classic french mani! These wedding nails were for an employee of ours who got married!

Besides makeup and hair services, we offer a number of services that a bride or bridesmaid would enjoy. We have had many brides get their nails done, a facial and a massage. We do offer several packages containing a number of services, but you can always choose your own. The important thing to remember is to book ahead, especially if there are a lot of people in your party. We want to make sure we have enough time to make the day all about you!

If you have any questions about scheduling services for your special day, give us a call at (610)-366-8808 or book online.

New Year, New Skin

Get rid of last years skin

Dull, lifeless skin goes hand in hand with the winter weather. What if I told you there is a way to have summer glowing skin in the middle of winter? Warning: reading this blog may result in you booking an appointment immediately after. It’s okay though. We’re prepared.

In this blog, we will go over the process of dermaplaning, the benefits of it and other facts and myths that first timers may not know. Here at Oliver’s, you can receive Dermaplaning as a stand alone service, or add it to any of our facials!

This is a picture of someone receiving Dermaplaning. A specialized instrument is being used to scrape the first layer of dead skin cells off of the face.
Pictured above is an action shot of Dermaplaning. As you can see, the aesthetician is literally scraping the first layer of skin off.


With beauty trends changing and advancing every week, or so it seems, it’s a little hard to keep up. There’s always a new study, product or routine that our skin could benefit from. It’s all very exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Luckily, here at Oliver’s, we try our best to keep you updated and in the loop.

So, what is Dermaplaning? Essentially, it is the removal of dead skin cells and peach fuzz all while stimulating the production of fresh, new skin cells. It’s an exfoliation technique that involves a specialized instrument to scrape away those dead skin cells and peach fuzz.

NOTE: When we say scraping, it’s important to know that this service does not hurt. In fact, you might fall asleep.


First, the skin is cleansed. Doing this removes any excess makeup, lotion or any other products that might be lingering on the skin. This helps set the skin for a more effective service.

An aesthetician takes the specialized tool, which is a surgical single razor blade, and holds it at a 45 degree angle. Starting on the forehead, the aesthetician will begin the process, doing one side of the face first, following by the other.

Following the exfoliation, a warm towel will be placed on the face to remove any excess hair or dead skin that may have been left behind. Is there anything more relaxing than a warm towel?

After that, a peel will be applied to the skin. This is when the treatment is most effective, due to the skin already being penetrated and able to absorb the product more, thus having more of an outcome. Then a serum (if needed) will be applied as well as a moisturizer.

At the end of the service, upon request, you will be able to see all of the dead skin cells and peach fuzz that came off of your skin. To me, this is the most satisfying part of the service. To others, it may seem disgusting.


Dermaplaning is for women of all and every skin type and skin color. Realistically, you should be around your 30’s and up, but that is not set in stone. Although, we wouldn’t recommend a 16 year old girl getting it done. This service is for anyone who wants to improve the health and appearance of their skin as well as the texture and tone.


Now the good part. What EXACTLY will I notice besides what a simple pamphlet will say? Well, you will notice a more glowing and softer appearance right away. There will be a little redness directly after, but luckily there is no down time. By down time, I mean healing.

There are minimal risks of breakouts following the service as well. Your makeup will glide on a lot easier, so you will notice yourself using less. On top of the instant benefits, you will notice a reduction in fine lines, hyper pigmentation and acne scars. Due to the quick results, I would recommend this service before a social event!


If you have read this blog and decide dermaplaning is something worth checking out, give us a call at (610) 366-8808 or book online. If you have any questions following the blog, shoot us a message via social media or give us a call. Any of our aestheticians would be happy to help!

Waxing Your Way To Freedom

Now for an essential but seldom talked about beauty topic: waxing. Almost everyone has let their brows grow out a little too long, or put on a cute new sundress only to be immediately reminded that you didn’t shave your legs. Shaving is a pain to keep up with, and playing Twister in the shower to make sure you don’t leave any awkward patches is tiring. In this post, I’m going to convert you all into diehard waxers, and provide some tips on how to approach your waxing appointments.


Many people are put off from waxing because they think it’ll hurt too much, or the idea of a stranger getting that up close and personal isn’t so appealing. Which is understandable. However, professional waxers won't be intimidated by a hairy underarm or if your brows are a little out of whack. Waxing has a ton of pros and is way more manageable in the long run so it can’t hurt to give it a try. (Metaphorically speaking, of course. Expect a tiny sting.)

Tip 1: Grow Your Hair Out (Let It Grow, Let It Grow)

In order to get the most out of your waxing, you’re going to have to go into untamed territory. While I’m sure the idea of growing your hair out for a couple weeks isn’t appealing to most, it’s a necessity to leave some length so the wax has something to attach to. It’s best to wait 3 to 4 weeks between appointments for best results.

Tip 2: Don't Shave Between Appointments

This is related to the first tip, and just as important. While it may be tempting, if you want to get the best effects from your waxing hold off on shaving between appointments. Waxing pulls the hair out at the root, leaving a smooth surface. Shaving, however, bluntly cuts the hair which causes it to appear darker and thicker when regrowing. While it may be difficult to ditch your razor, if you skip out on shaving between waxes your hair will grow in much finer and eventually be less noticable between appointments.

Tip 3: Give Yourself A Little TLC

It’s good practice to lightly exfoliate and moisturize the day before a waxing appointment. Exfoliating can clear off any lingering dead skin that the wax may cling to, giving your waxer a cleaner slate to use. However, make sure you tread lightly and avoid anything too intense that may cause irritation to your skin. The day of your appointment, stay away from moisturizing or doing anything that may inhibit the wax from performing properly.

Tip 4: Eliminate The Ouch Factor

Worried about the pain? Feel free to take an Ibuprofen or Asprin beforehand. These won’t affect the outcome of your appointment and can give you some peace of mind.

Tip 5: Let Your Aesthetician Know Of Any Medications You’re Taking

Certain medications can affect your skin sensitivity and texture. Make your waxer aware of any medications you’re taking (including topical medicine) in the event that one of them may cause extra irritation or swelling.

Follow these 5 easy steps and you'll be a waxing convert in no time. Preparing for appointments makes your overall experience that much more relaxing and beneficial. Now, here are some pros as to why waxing as a form of hair removal beats out shaving every time.

Longer Lasting Effects and Better Appearance Between Appointments

Like I mentioned before, shaving with a razor cuts hair bluntly, which is what leaves a dark shadow and stubble. Waxing, however, pulls hair out at the root so there’s nothing leftover to ruin your baby soft skin.

Like Fine Wine, Waxing Gets Better With Time

Waxing damages the tiny hair follicles (in a good way) so over time, hair growth diminishes and the pain lessens. The more consistently you choose waxing over shaving, the finer your hair grows in. So if you make the full transition from shaving to waxing, you’ll have less noticeable growth between appointments. However, like I mentioned above, shaving between appointments will set this back.

Less Irritation

Constantly shaving isn't great for your skin, and if you're have sensitive skin, it can lead to irritation and dryness. Waxing is much easier on your skin and won't leave you with any nicks or cuts.

Faster and More Convenient

Remembering to shave weekly is a pain. Being able to wax your hair off in one go is a much better alternative. No one loves to being out and public and realizing they forgot to shave their legs that week.

What Side Of The Waxing/Shaving Debate Are You On?

So, if you’re sick of shaving and want something a little more manageable, waxing is the way to go. Shaving at least once a week is time consuming and only looks perfect immediately after you step out of the shower. Getting waxed takes less time, holds up much longer, and leaves you with smoother skin in the long run. Cutting myself shaving in the shower once a week versus a quick little sting and weeks worth of smoothness? I’ll take those odds any day.

If you want to make your life a little smoother (no pun intended, I swear…) and are interested in booking a waxing appointment, give Oliver’s a call at (610) 366-8808 or book online.

The Secret To Better Skin

If you’re anything like me, summer isn't exactly friendly to your skin. We all love the bronze-y summer glowing skin that the warmer months give us, but I’m not exactly a fan of the dryness that follows it. Vacations, outdoor activities, and sunbathing are all some great perks of summer, but they can be a huge opportunity for the sun to damage your skin. If you want to enjoy the sun, repair your skin, and pamper yourself a little bit all at the same time, skincare services like facials can be a great way to counteract that damage and put your face back on the right track. (So maybe you can have your metaphorical cake and eat it, too.) 

For this post, I received the Oliver’s facial and see how skin treatments would fit into my skin care routine. So if you're constantly asking, "How do I get better skin?", the answer might be to pamper yourself a little more often.

Imagine of woman receiving a facial. The woman has a white skincare product on her face, being rubbed in by two hands with two yellow circular sponges. The woman receiving the facial is lying down with her eyes closed and has a spa towel headwrap on.

Facials are the ultimate tool to relaxing yourself and giving your skin that much-needed boost during the summer.

That Tan Looks Good Now... But What About Later? 

I’m well aware that putting a 375º flat iron on my hair, clogging my pores with foundation, or laying out to get a couple shades darker aren’t necessarily my “healthiest” life choices, but we all make sacrifices for our beauty routines. Ideally, for whatever sacrifices you’re making you also have some kind of reparative treatments to counteract some of the damage you’re doing.

Skin is especially important because its the largest organ in your body. While a split end from a flat iron here or there isn’t going to kill you, not having a well-balanced skincare routine can seriously damage your skin, causing early aging and wrinkles. Although you may not see wrinkles, smile lines, or excessive dryness now after spending all day in the sun, they’re more than likely to pop up in the future. Preemptively treating issues now can lead to better skin in the future, so you can keep looking healthy and glowing no matter what age you are.

Are You Feeling Stressed Out? Maybe It's Time For A Little Pampering

Skin treatments aren’t meant to be done everyday, so there is a definitely pampering factor to them. However, skin treatments like facials lower stress levels and provide tons of relaxation which can have actual, tangible benefits to your health. Countless studies have shown the negative effects of stress on the body for your health, looks, and general well-being. Spa treatments completely relax you and the added face, arm, and neck massage that is included in our facials doubles the benefits. Massages release oxytocin into your body, which directly counteract stress hormones, making you feel immediately more relaxed. 

Many of us have jam-packed schedules and remembering to take time to take care of yourself mentally often takes a back burner to school, jobs, and family obligations. Sure, being pampered sounds great. But seeing as many of us have fairly busy lives I’m sure feeling de-stressed is even more appealing. Keep this all in mind for the next time someone makes you feel high-maintenance for wanting to get a facial or any other skin treatment. You can tell them it’s just for your health, like eating a salad or hitting the gym.

Don't Have Any Skin Troubles?

While I love skincare products, I don’t have very problematic skin. Being in college full time and working comes with its own set of stress, so even though I may not suffer from severe acne or dryness, I am still looking to get healthier, better skin and lower my stress levels. So, I can still benefit from the relaxation and massage properties of skin treatments.

Even if you’re like me and don’t necessarily have any specific skin issues, facials and other skin treatments can still benefit you by mellowing you out, reducing acne or dark spots, and exfoliating the dead skin cells from your face.  Which pretty much everyone has, unless you frequently get dermaplaning treatments or have somehow maintained baby soft skin as an adult. (If the latter's the case, call me. I have a few questions.) 

Overview of The Oliver's Facial

The Oliver’s Facial is our signature hour long skin treatment. It's great for all skin types provides a well-rounded treatment for a variety of potential skin issues. The Oliver’s facial includes a skin analysis, complete cleansing, steaming, facial massage, exfoliator, mask, and moisturizer. The facial's exact steps and products are custom blended for your needs. So, let your aesthetician know of any specific issues you notice with your skin beforehand. The Oliver’s facial is a great starting point to skincare because even if you don’t know your specific needs or have more regular skin, there’s many different steps that cover all the bases.  

I’d definitely recommend the Oliver’s facial for anyone who wants to improve their overall skin health but may not know where to start. It's also a great option if you have regular skin that you want to perk up. 

Setting the Mood 

To preface, I’ve never had a facial before. So I was definitely excited for some relaxation during my work day. (It’s worth mentioning that at this point my friends are more than jealous of my internship. I mean, a facial during work hours? How could they not be?) I was also looking forward to the prospect of having a new step in my skincare routine that would hopefully give me better skin. 

Clients at Oliver’s know how busy it is here. While our location is large, we also offer a wide variety range of services. On a typical day there's customers in and out of the door every minute and it’s very lively in here. The spa room I was in completely cut off the typical salon noise and chatter from the outside. The room was dimly lit and relaxing music was playing. and I was tempted to take a nap before we even started. (The super comfortable bed I was laying in was more than a little enticing). 

My Experience: The Products

One of our aestheticians, Jen, performed the facial on me. She started off by asking questions about my skin and any trouble areas I had. I told her I had fairly tame skin, not really any acne issues but some occasional dry skin. She then explained the steps of the process that she was going to do.

I'm not a big fan of strong smells or perfumes in my skin care products. Anything with too harsh of a smell reminds me of chemicals that I definitely don't want on my skin.  All of the products that Jen used on me either had no smell, or smelled natural and light. I attest this to the use of Aveda and Jan Marini products. Aveda only scents their products with all naturally sourced ingredients and Jan Marini is a top innovator in research for new skincare products. (You can check out my blog on that here!) The products felt weightless and were getting fully absorbed into my skin.  

My Experience: The Treatment

Jen first applied steam to my skin to open my pores. I was suffering from allergies that week so it helped clear my sinuses as well.

Between each of the steps Jen massaged my face which was very relaxing. Around halfway through the facial, I also received a small arm, neck, and upper back massage. Different layers of exfoliators, hydrating creams, moisturizers were applied with soft brushes and sponges to my face. Next, Jen applied a super hydrating mask. The mask was left for a few minutes to fully treat my skin. (This is the point where I nearly dozed off.) A final facial moisturizer was applied and left on. My skin absorbed it and I had no residue. Finally, the facial ended with an Aveda Lip Saver which was smooth and lasted for hours.

The After Effects: Was I Glowing Like A Goddess?

Immediately following the facial, my skin was extremely soft and hydrated. One of my pet peeves are the dark circles under my eyes after waking up. The morning after the facial, they were much lighter. My face looked brighter and rejuvenated and  I felt refreshed and glowy for the rest of the day. I ran errands and met with friends without a bit of makeup on my face. 

As for the next day, I definitely noticed my skin looking much nicer in the morning. The under eye circles I usually wake up with were less noticeable. I noticed my skin looking evenly colored, so I used less foundation. The foundation that I did wear sat on my skin more nicely. Because of this, I didn't have to use any powder or setting spray. 

Unexpected Effects

One of the biggest differences I noticed wasn't a physical change from the facial, but a mental one. My face looked and felt so amazing afterwards that I became more aware of what I was doing to it. My skin is pretty resilient, so I sometimes slack on my daily skincare routine if I'm feeling lazy. Which I usually am. After the Oliver's Facial, I was dying to keep the glow I had so I've completely stepped up my skincare routine as a result. 

All of the physical benefits of the facial aside, I'm more conscious of how I'm treating my skin. The facial made my skin look better in the short term, which made me want it to look better in the long term. Also, if your skin looks healthier, you may be able to cut out some of your makeup routine. A more strict skincare routine, using less makeup, and feeling less stressed out are all indirect perks I noticed from my facial. Eventually all these little changes can build up. So, the occasional facial has a ton of indirect benefits that give you better skin.

The Road To Better Skin Continues 

Is a one-time facial going to give you completely flawless skin? Of course not. But they’re great for times when your skin may need a boost, like before a special event. They're also a great idea if you need a little kickstart to your skincare routine. Over time, I can absolutely see how repeated facials can improve the overall health of your skin and stress levels. Unfortunately, there is no cure-all that will give you better skin, de-stress you, and take 20 years off of your face. (And any product or service claiming to do that immediately is probably a sham.)

However, with periodic facials to rejuvenate and mellow you out a little bit you can definitely get better skin. In other words, if you’re planning on going to a tropical vacation and laying out in the sun for a week straight, it wouldn’t be the worst idea to “counteract” some of that “damage” with a facial right when you get home. You should do it for your health, right?

Thank you to our talented aesthetician Jen for treating me to the Oliver’s Facial!

For more information on how to get this service from one of our many amazing aestheticians, call us at (610) 366-8808 or book online.